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Zenith Logo VERTI-LIFT Elevation/Hylo Model 260

Cervical Drop Elevation Hylo Pelvic Drop
Höhe 0.61m - 0.76m
Länge 1.98m
Breite 0.46m
Polsterbreite 0.61m
Gewicht 235.87kg

This luxurious ELEVATING / HYLO table incorporates both TERMINAL POINT cervical and a pelvic drop, providing a versatile value for a variety of techniques.

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Standard Features

  • Abdominal Swingaway (Drop NA w/Option)
  • Tilting Headpiece
  • Cervical Drop
  • Face Paper Toweling and Dispenser
  • Forward Motion Headpiece
  • Universal Head Raiser
  • Adjustable Ankle Rest Cushion
  • Dual Footswitches for easy access up, down, and stop
  • Tuckaway Footboard
  • Soft Hinged Dorsal
  • Adjustable Front Section
  • Front mounted up, down, and stop Switches
  • Auto Relaxer
  • Terminal Point Drop Pelvic
  • Optional Features

  • 21" Cushions
  • Pregnancy Pillow
  • Face Paper-25 Rolls to a Case
  • Ankle Cushion Scuffguard
  • 220 Volt Operation
  • Power Front Section
  • Selection of Base Colors
  • Transport Wheel Set
  • Gonstead Modification
  • Pelvic & Dorsal Blocker Set